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Updated: Feb 3, 2021


We're Going On An Adventure. So can you!

Welcome to Our National Park Adventures, where the pencil hits the paper and the rubber meets the road. Where plans become trips and trips become memories.

"The Heart of Man Plans His Way, but The Lord Establishes His Steps" -Proverbs 16:9

In our first episode of the Our National Park Adventures Podcast we are going to discuss who "we" are, how we got here, where we are going and how we are getting there.

When I first started thinking about how to make our family vacations memorable for our son, and how to take him to places we have never been, the first thought in my mind was National Parks. Little did I know that would lead us down this path and create this exciting format for us to not only capture the memories, but also share them with others in hopes they can share their memories with us as well. Building a community of travelling families with tips and tricks and all that comes along with travelling. Join us.

*** Shortly after creating this website and blog post, life decided it was going to do as it has a funny way of doing, and as I like to simply put it, happen. When life "happens" we choose our response and we deal with what comes from those choices. Though this may have postponed things a bit, we are not going to let it cancel our planning or trips. Just like life happens, we have to make these trips happen too!***

Always forward.

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